F-Zero Match Factory
F-Zero Match Factory

Match Making Process

I. Nature of raw materials

Red phosphorus: Red, yellow, and white phosphorus are insoluble in organic solvents but soluble in tribromide bowls. Red phosphorus can ignite above 200 degrees Celsius.

Manganese dioxide: The molecular formula is MnO2. It acts as a catalyst and appears black. The molecular weights are 86 and 94. Manganese dioxide is a safe substance that is easy to store. It should be sealed and kept in a dry and ventilated place.

Potassium chlorate: The molecular formula is KClO4. It is a white powder or crystal and generates heat through a reaction. The molecular weight is 122. It is a hazardous substance and should be kept away from pressure, hammering, and open flames.

Sulfur: The molecular formula is S. It is a yellow powder or lumps and is highly flammable. The molecular weight is 32. It should be stored in a dry and ventilated place.

Strong powder (or glue): It has high viscosity and should be stored carefully. (Glue can be used as a substitute.)

Pigment: It is primarily used to adjust the colors of wholesale matches. Industrial and edible pigments are acceptable, with industrial pigments generally being preferred.

II. Formulas

Matchstick formula:
8 grams of manganese dioxide, 3 grams of red phosphorus, 3 grams of strong powder (glue) solvent, 5 grams of glue, and 3 grams of water.

Match formula:
8 grams of potassium chlorate, 2.5 grams of manganese dioxide, 2 grams of sulfur, 1 gram of solvent and glue, and 0.5 grams of water. The amount of pigment can be determined according to your preference.

III. Production process

Production of matchstick cover: After preparing various raw materials in specific proportions, pass them through a 140-180 mesh nylon sieve for sieving (avoid using metal or copper sieves). Mix the prepared solvent with the sieved raw materials, stirring to form a liquid. Use a brush to apply this liquid to the prepared matchbox, and let it dry.

Production of match head: Prepare different raw materials in specific proportions and pass them through a 140-180 mesh nylon sieve for repeated screening (uniformity is crucial for combustion effectiveness). Mix the sieved raw materials with a combination of glue and water to form a paste. Insert the purchased matchstick into a three-plywood board with many small holes, flip it, and let the liquid dry (do not set it on fire). Ensure that enough paraffin is absorbed at one end of the matchstick (you can heat and dissolve the wax before dipping one end of the matchstick into it, making it less prone to burning).

IV. Match specifications and standards

Matchboxes can be made of paper or wood. If using paper, use paper with a size of 130-200. For the outer box, use 180-220 # paper, and for the inner box, use 130-150 # paper.

Outer box: 170 × 37 × 47 cm
Inner box: 15 × 35 × 45 cm
Stick length: 35 cm
Head width: 0.3 cm

Cut the yellow paperboard according to the above model and specifications, and place the dried matchsticks inside. Packaging generally contains 30 grams per box with 40-70 sticks and 30-50 waxed stems.

The mentioned raw materials can be purchased nationwide from provinces, cities, and chemical raw material stores. When purchasing, opt for industrial pure rather than chemical pure or analytical pure, as industrial pure is cost-effective and easy to produce and sell.
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