A selection of premium quality cigar matches, we have specially launched a longer size selection! Each box contains 12 strong 3-inch matches with a choice of 17 standard match tip colors.
To satisfy your unique taste, our cigar matches are now available in longer sizes to take your experience to the next level! Whether you're enjoying cooking and candles, indulging in the pleasure of cigars and pipes, or lighting fireplaces and performing a variety of household tasks, these matches will give you a longer-lasting, reliable source of light.
"Base Price" includes printing on 3 sides of outer cover.
MOQ: 200 Boxes
Normal Production Time: 15 Working Days
Normal Delivery Time: 25 days
Product Size: 3-15/32’’ x 1-2/5’’ x 2/5’’ ; Stick Count: 12
Country of Manufacture: China
Additional Information: Transportation by air, shipping to door
No.68, Huanan South City, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China